Read for the Stars
Last year, in a bid to improve reading standards in school, we launched our ‘Read for the Stars’ initiative in school. This was in response to class teachers noticing a steep decline in the number of children reading at home. Reading is incredibly important and it is vital to do all you can to practise reading skills at home. It was hoped that the initiative would encourage our children to read regularly and was aimed at involving parents and carers in their child’s reading journey. Many of you took part and it was great to see so many of our children enthused and motivated to read but we want even more children involved this year.
Read for the Stars is designed to reward and incentivise children in the reading process. It runs throughout the year groups from Reception to Year 6. In school, the skills of reading are taught daily through phonics, guided reading sessions, whole class reading, sharing quality texts and one to one reading time. However, it is vitally important that these skills are practised regularly at home in order for your child to embed skills and become confident young readers.
The initiative asks children to read a minimum of 4 times per week on separate days (from Thursday to Thursday). Adults at home need to ensure that if their child reads, they sign their reading record as proof of this reading. If your child gains 4 or more signatures in a week, they will earn a star. Please support your children by signing their book weekly. Several children last year missed out due to parents not signing.
For our younger children in reception who are only just starting their reading journey, stars will be awarded for sharing a bedtime story, practising key words and any other reading related activities that might be sent home. Once they begin to be able to read, this can be included.
Read for the stars always starts on the first Thursday at and ends on the last Thursday of each half term.
Children who gain 4 stars each week will earn rewards in class and then if children take part every single week, they go into a prize draw to win book tokens and a kindle for their class. At Coppull Primary School and Nursery, we appreciate the time and effort that everyone puts in to a child’s reading journey and hope you will support us again this year.