Year 6 - Sycamore Class

Year 6 - Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class, the final chapter of primary school. A year of exciting opportunities, rewarding experiences and challenge! This is your child’s year to shine! From sports competitions to SATs; residential visit; London trip; prefects to the final production, there is something for everyone in Year 6. 

Our teaching team is Miss Shepherd, together with the upper KS2 teaching assistants: Mrs Buttler and Mrs McConnell.  The pupils will also have one lesson each week with Mrs Arends and Mrs Gorvett.   

In the final year at Coppull Primary, pupils are encouraged to work hard and develop themselves as well rounded, responsible, confident children with a positive mind-set ready for the next step in their education.  

Key Information 

  • Spelling test and times tables quiz on Monday mornings, followed by a new weekly spelling list. 

  • Celebration assembly: every Thursday morning. 

  • Brass: Tuesday morning with our specialist music teacher.  Homework 

Homework is given out every Friday and is due back in school the following week.  Pupils will be set spellings, reading and an English or maths activity on a weekly basis.  As well as completing tasks in their homework books or online, pupils may be asked to access Time Tables Rockstars or Spelling Shed.  Each pupil has their own log in for each of these websites.   


Pupils should continue to read regularly at home (a minimum of 4 times a week).  We also encourage parents and carers to sign their child’s reading record regularly so that they can take part in Read for the Stars, for which there are rewards such as house points and a chance to take home the R4tS reading bag.  


Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school for our PE lessons.  During the colder months, your child may also wish to bring an outdoor kit as well as their indoor kit.  All pupils are encouraged to have their own water bottles which can be kept on their desks and taken in the hall or outside when we have PE.   

If you would like to speak to a member of staff at any point throughout the year, we are available at the end of the day to speak to in person.  We also welcome parents and carers to use Class Dojo to communicate with the class teacher but we please ask that absences are phoned through to the school office in order for them to be logged accordingly.  Please note that messages cannot always be accessed during the school day.  

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.   

Miss Shepherd 

Class information

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