School Uniform and Presentation
At Coppull Primary School and Nursery, we want to uphold and maintain high standards in all areas of school life including the presentation of our pupils. We have high aspirations for all, not just academically, but also in their attitude and presentation. For this reason, we place great importance on uniform and general appearance.
School Uniform
Our uniform consists of a white polo shirt, grey trousers/skirt/pinafore and a red sweatshirt or cardigan. Children should wear sensible and appropriate black shoes during the school day. If they wish to come to school in boots or similar in bad weather, please ensure they bring their school shoes to change into once they arrive. All children require a warm winter coat (ideally with a hood) to wear at break time and lunch time. If children bring hats, scarves and gloves, please ensure, as with all other uniform, that they are named.
PE Kit
PE kits are required in school every day. They should be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term and returned on the first day back after the holidays. Our PE kit consists of a plain white, round neck t- shirt, black shorts and black pumps or trainers. This should be labelled and kept in school in a drawstring bag or similar. PE is a statutory requirement and forms part of the National Curriculum so it is imperative that your child has a PE kit in school at all times. Children can bring an outdoor PE kit for the colder winter months and this should be their normal white PE t shirt, tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie or similar.
Earrings are not permitted to be worn for PE. If your child’s ears have been pierced within the last 6 weeks and therefore cannot be removed, please send in plasters to cover their ears as a temporary measure. Once they have healed, earrings should be removed on PE days either by the child themselves in school or at home if they are unable to remove them independently.
Long hair should be tied back at all times and we ask that hair bobbles, clips, bow, headbands and other accessories are sensible and discreet and only in school colours. Large and garish hair accessories are not suitable for school so we ask that children refrain from wearing these. Short hair should be in a sensible style and we ask that tram lines and similar are not cut into hair during term time.
In addition to earrings as mentioned above, children are not permitted to wear jewellery to school. Sensible watches are allowed but must be removed for PE.
Nail varnish and false nails are not permitted to be worn in school along with make- up and tinted lip balm.
We ask that all parents and carers ensure that children adhere to our uniform policy as we want to encourage all children to uphold high standards so that we have consistency across school for all of our pupils.