Our School Vision

School Vision and Aims

We believe children who leave Coppull Primary should be well prepared for their future lives and hold happy memories of their time here. We focus on providing high quality teaching across all year groups to target accelerated progress for all pupils in order to raise attainment. We aim to provide life experiences through trips, visitors, clubs and competitions to enhance and support the work undertaken across the curriculum. We are committed to providing high quality support for families to ensure children come to school ready to learn.


School Ethos

·      At Coppull Primary School we aim to generate a positive ethos, presenting our school as welcoming and attractive with an air of purposefulness and well being amongst adults and children.

·      We believe that within a secure, relaxed but well ordered environment, each individual is able to develop personally, and part of a community, with both rights and responsibilities.

·      We feel it is essential to promote high, but nevertheless realistic expectations.

·      We promote a sensitivity to the needs of others and attach importance to the careful transmission of positive values.

Equal Opportunities

·      Each member of the school community is given an equal opportunity, regardless of gender, race, creed, cultural or social background, to achieve his/her potential, including any provision to cater for Special Needs.

·      All members of staff, teaching and support, are valued as a key resource. The professional development of all staff is a key issue in helping raise children’s achievements, and training is supported and encouraged for all categories of staff.

Children's Learning

·      At Coppull Primary we seek to develop the whole child - intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, morally; allowing that each child learns in different ways and at different paces.

·      We place importance on first hand experience and building on the child’s own experiences.

·      Learning should be relevant, in a meaningful context, and enjoyable.

·      We seek to match work carefully to each child’s stage of development, through continuously assessing each child’s achievements and potential.

·      Every child is given full and equal access to the National Curriculum through carefully planned curriculum policies and schemes of work.

·      We believe each child has the right to experience success and to develop a good self image with positive self esteem. We try to avoid situations that lead to failure.

Home and School

·      We place great emphasis on building effective partnership between home and school, based on trust, understanding and confidence.

·      We see parents as the first educators of their child, with a wealth of knowledge about their child.

·      We greatly value the contributions that parents have to make both in the education of their own child, and also in the general life of the school.

·      We aim to create many opportunities for parents to be informed about school policies, and the progress and welfare of their child: we encourage an open door policy for parents to come in and discuss any aspect of school or their child with us.


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